社会科学报:A Spotlight on the Progress of STEM Education Development


来源:社会科学报 2024年5月12日

标题:A Spotlight on the Progress of STEM Education Development

On April 20th, the Symposium on Modern STEM Education Collaborative Innovation was held at Shanghai Normal University. The symposium was co-hosted by the UNESCO International Center for Teacher Education and the A-STEM Science and Innovation Education Alliance, and was jointly organized by seven entities including the Key Laboratory of Educational Big Data and Decision Making of the Ministry of Education, the Shanghai Intelligent Education Big Data Engineering Technology Research Center, and the Academic Affairs Office of Shanghai Normal University.

The conference focused on the current state of development of STEM education in China, delving into the construction of paradigm systems and cooperative approaches in academic research, fundamental education construction, and industrial integration.

Professor Jiang Changjun, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, pointed out that in the context of the new era, it is important to focus on new connotations, integrate interdisciplinary advantages, and cultivate outstanding computer talents accurately. The symposium also witnessed the launch ceremony of the collaboration between the Luohu District Education Bureau of Shenzhen and Shanghai Normal University, as well as the establishment of the STEM Science and Innovation Education Pilot Zone, as well as the launch ceremony of the Research Center for Cross-Disciplinary Innovation in STEM Education of Shanghai Normal University.

